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Adult Education and Training

The Bill of Rights in the South African Constitution states that everyone has a right to a basic education, yet there are millions of adult learners who do not have a school-leaving certificate. The IEB was the first assessment body to set examinations for adults so as to allow them to obtain a school-leaving certificate. The IEB is fully accredited by Umalusi to assess the AET General Education and Training Certificate Level 4.


What we offer

The IEB offers the following assessments:

  • AET national examinations twice a year in June and November

  • Examinations on Request (EoRs) for  AET levels 1 to 3 (Communication in English and Numeracy in English) and NQF Level 1 in Communication in English and Mathematical Literacy.

  • NQF Level 1 National examinations

  • NQF levels 2 – 4 Placement Assessments

  • Foundational Learning Competence


To access the registration documentation, fees and examination dates for AET Examinations, please click here 

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AET User Forum

The IEB hosts its annual User Forum for AET clients in February via an online platform.  All AET providers, facilitators and training managers are encouraged to attend these forums. For further information about these, contact the IEB on 011 483 9700 or email AET User Forum.

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