+27 11 483 9700
Foundational Learning Competence (FLC)

The Foundational Learning Competence (FLC) is a part qualification that consists of two learning areas: Communication and Mathematical Literacy. It outlines the minimum level of competence required for optimal functioning in the world of work and for occupational learning at NQF Levels 2 – 4.
It is a part qualification registered at NQF Level 2 and carries 40 credits in total. Each learning area carries 20 credits.
The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) approved the IEB as the Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) for the FLC.
The FLC is a challenge examination. The specific knowledge, content, applied skills, range statements, assessment requirements and exemplar papers can be found here.
To Access the Frequently Asked Questions, Curriculum, Newsletters, Presentations, and brochures, please access the Document Library here
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For further information regarding registration, please contact us on 011 483 9700 or e-mail Foundational Learning Competence
Placement Assessments
To ensure the effectiveness of the learning process, it is recommended that the centre correctly identifies each learner’s entry level before beginning the programme. To facilitate this, the IEB offers placement assessments aligned to the exit level of the applicable unit standards.
Download the Order Form here
For further assistance, please contact us on 011 483 9700 or e-mail AET Assessments