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IEB NSC Registration

Registration for the IEB NSC


Criteria for Registration

  • School must be within the borders of the Republic of South Africa and registered with the provincial department of education.

  • Schools must have been through the Umalusi process and provisionally accredited. In cases where the evaluation process is not complete, final acceptance by the IEB will depend on the outcome of the Umalusi process.

  • The National Senior Certificate is a 3 year qualification (FET phase). Schools must be registered when their first group of Grade 12 learners are in Grade 9.

  • There must be at least 10 learners in Grade 9.

  • Teachers must attend the subject conferences as well as cluster group meetings.

  • Schools will need to provide the financial statements of the past 3 years.

  • Schools must have their own internet facilities as e mail is the primary source of communication between the IEB and its client schools.

  • The IEB only deals with full time learners at independent schools.


The School

  • Must be housed in a permanent structure.

  • Must have adequate grounds.

  • Must have water and electricity.

  • Must have sanitation.

  • Must  possess a valid health and safety certificate, as well as a fire certificate.


Staff Complement

  • There must be an adequate number of qualified teachers (SACE registered).

  • There must be staff stability.

  • There must be a functional school management team and school governance.



  • There must be adequate classrooms.

  • Learners must have textbooks/stationery.

  • There must be laboratory/media facilities. In order to offer subjects like Computer Applications Technology, Information Technology, Hospitality Studies and Consumer Studies, there must be appropriate and adequate facilities for these subjects.



  • The school must have a secure facility for the storage of question papers and answer scripts. 

  • The minimum requirement is a safe within a secure room.

  • The school must have an IEB approved video and audio monitoring system.


The school will be provisionally registered once the registration and accreditation processes have been completed. The registration will only be finalized after the IEB has visited the school.


Please Note

A school that has been de-registered by any Department of Education as an examination centre will not be registered with the IEB. The IEB reserves the right to refuse to register a school; no correspondence will be entered into.

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