+27 11 483 9700
Primary School Initiative

The Primary School Initiative (psi) aims to raise awareness of the importance of good teaching and assessment practices at the primary school level. Launched in 2015, there are currently more than 110 psi schools in Southern Africa.
IEB psi primary schools are rooted in a southern African context while firmly maintaining global standards. Participation in psi assessments and workshops fosters a strong relationship with the IEB. psi Schools prioritise preparing learners for the future emphasising holistic development as well as valid, authentic assessment.
psi offers primary schools various benchmarking opportunities. These assessments provide valuable feedback to teachers, helping them identify the conceptual and learning strengths and weaknesses of individual learners as well as common areas for improvement across classes, phases or the entire school. This data can then be used in whole school planning and for professional development.
Being part of the psi network provides member schools with preferential pricing on workshops, conferences and the full range of psi assessment opportunities.